just so you know , for class jersey we choose originally, they ran out of both L an XL ... so we're now getting the black umbro jersey, with gold words ... it's 19 bucks per shirt, please bring the money next week monday(:
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008
because i am just as bored as david,
1) it is a subject everyone takes
2) it is a demerit good (people overestimate the benifits of economics and therefore take up the subject. only to regret.)
3) you destroy the joy in society
4) you generage -ve ext in consumption.. (should be doing your chemistry tutorial instead of typing this. affects chemistry grades)
5) ... don't understand this point david
6) you can be an economics teacher when people mock at you for being chio and hot
7) we can all be economists and no one takes up other jobs
8) you can supply economics textbooks but how many students actually own a john sloman? i think im the only one who bought -.- . the government should be giving direct provision of economics notes/textbooks
9) knowing about cep doesn't mean you can fix it just like that.. price mechanism is important...
10) almost everyone takes economics, so you don't own that many people as opposed to taking something like fine arts
11) she doesn't allow us to flip her slides.. only she has the fun of flipping the slides
12) hmm... yak o.o
13) after you've learnt the definition of monopoly, you realise that you suck at the game monopoly cos most of the time you don't monopolise the whole board
14) the rich wouldn't care about your horrible essays. inequity will always be present in every society, you can't stop it, you can only reduce the Gini index... i mean look at China..
15) it is very hard to make the price of your employment extremely inelastic or perfectly even.
16) what the heck?
17) econs = econs sand = rock sio2 silicion(iv) oxide
18) love your economics as you love the grade you got for it
19) you cannot annoy people who abuse you by spamming econs concepts at them because they wouldn't understand a shit you typed
20) dao people= unfriendly not equals cannot laugh-.- its not a biggie if someone dao laughs -.-
21) econs lame jokes aren't that lame
22) ... damn i suck at this
23) tax is a compulsary payment to MR KNOW IT ALL and then some get transfered to subsidies to you.. in the end you still get taxed.all you can hope for is progressive tax and means testing benifits.. then again you have to be poor to qualify
24) legislations are blunt instruments as compared to market based solutions
25) alright you won point 2... i want a free luler..
26) my englang ish still sucxs worhx
27) laughing is contagious as it is advantagious hahahahahaha hohohohohoho heehehehehe... -.-
28) your hand learns to not bother writing/ copying answers because they're printed for you
29) your econs tutor will always be dissapointed in you no matter what
30) get a life .
in any case, love econs, do your case study.. apparently i was the only one who did the case study -.-
1) it is a subject everyone takes
2) it is a demerit good (people overestimate the benifits of economics and therefore take up the subject. only to regret.)
3) you destroy the joy in society
4) you generage -ve ext in consumption.. (should be doing your chemistry tutorial instead of typing this. affects chemistry grades)
5) ... don't understand this point david
6) you can be an economics teacher when people mock at you for being chio and hot
7) we can all be economists and no one takes up other jobs
8) you can supply economics textbooks but how many students actually own a john sloman? i think im the only one who bought -.- . the government should be giving direct provision of economics notes/textbooks
9) knowing about cep doesn't mean you can fix it just like that.. price mechanism is important...
10) almost everyone takes economics, so you don't own that many people as opposed to taking something like fine arts
11) she doesn't allow us to flip her slides.. only she has the fun of flipping the slides
12) hmm... yak o.o
13) after you've learnt the definition of monopoly, you realise that you suck at the game monopoly cos most of the time you don't monopolise the whole board
14) the rich wouldn't care about your horrible essays. inequity will always be present in every society, you can't stop it, you can only reduce the Gini index... i mean look at China..
15) it is very hard to make the price of your employment extremely inelastic or perfectly even.
16) what the heck?
17) econs = econs sand = rock sio2 silicion(iv) oxide
18) love your economics as you love the grade you got for it
19) you cannot annoy people who abuse you by spamming econs concepts at them because they wouldn't understand a shit you typed
20) dao people= unfriendly not equals cannot laugh-.- its not a biggie if someone dao laughs -.-
21) econs lame jokes aren't that lame
22) ... damn i suck at this
23) tax is a compulsary payment to MR KNOW IT ALL and then some get transfered to subsidies to you.. in the end you still get taxed.all you can hope for is progressive tax and means testing benifits.. then again you have to be poor to qualify
24) legislations are blunt instruments as compared to market based solutions
25) alright you won point 2... i want a free luler..
26) my englang ish still sucxs worhx
27) laughing is contagious as it is advantagious hahahahahaha hohohohohoho heehehehehe... -.-
28) your hand learns to not bother writing/ copying answers because they're printed for you
29) your econs tutor will always be dissapointed in you no matter what
30) get a life .
in any case, love econs, do your case study.. apparently i was the only one who did the case study -.-
More econs?
I have no idea what i am doing, these hands are merely carrying out the order of the mindzzz
Reasons to do econs:
1) It is a fun subject
2) It is a merit good
3) You help society by fixing info failure
4) You generate +ve ext. in consumption
5) You contribute to our economy har har...
6) You can be an economics teacher (lyk SO FUN)
7) You can be an economist yourself
8) You can supply economics and create demand for your employment
9) You can fix the Central Economic Problem by 1/6billion by offering yourself to cure scarcity
10) You can own non-economics students
11) You can flip the slide a lot...
12) You can yak at ppl
13) You can make a monopoly product and dominate the product or even the world (BWAHAHA)
14) You can stop inequity by spamming the rich with ur wonderful essays
15) You can make the price of your employment extremely inelastic or perfectly even...
16) No one can substitute your level of intelligent making you perfectly inelastic
17) Econs just rocks
18) Love your economics as you love... umm... everything?
19) You can annoy ppl who abuse you by spamming econs concepts at them
20) Daoist cant help but laugh at your econs jokes
21) LAME JOKES ARE GOOD FOR UR HEALTH!!! Esp econs lame jokes (+ve ext. in production)
22) You can impose a cost on the production of your economic concepts
23) You can tax ppl and use the money to subsidise for your own use HAHA!!!!
24) Make many legistrations!
25) You get to use the Luler(ruler) to draw nice graphs
26) Your england improofs alot
27) You get free laughter
28) Your hand learns to write faster but maybe uglier? :x
29) Your econs tutor will be very proud of you :DDDDDDD
30) Getting an A for econs is nothing, Just Love it (Economics version of Nike-Adidas
Love Econs OK?! DO YOUR CASE STUDY!!!!! XD
Reasons to do econs:
1) It is a fun subject
2) It is a merit good
3) You help society by fixing info failure
4) You generate +ve ext. in consumption
5) You contribute to our economy har har...
6) You can be an economics teacher (lyk SO FUN)
7) You can be an economist yourself
8) You can supply economics and create demand for your employment
9) You can fix the Central Economic Problem by 1/6billion by offering yourself to cure scarcity
10) You can own non-economics students
11) You can flip the slide a lot...
12) You can yak at ppl
13) You can make a monopoly product and dominate the product or even the world (BWAHAHA)
14) You can stop inequity by spamming the rich with ur wonderful essays
15) You can make the price of your employment extremely inelastic or perfectly even...
16) No one can substitute your level of intelligent making you perfectly inelastic
17) Econs just rocks
18) Love your economics as you love... umm... everything?
19) You can annoy ppl who abuse you by spamming econs concepts at them
20) Daoist cant help but laugh at your econs jokes
21) LAME JOKES ARE GOOD FOR UR HEALTH!!! Esp econs lame jokes (+ve ext. in production)
22) You can impose a cost on the production of your economic concepts
23) You can tax ppl and use the money to subsidise for your own use HAHA!!!!
24) Make many legistrations!
25) You get to use the Luler(ruler) to draw nice graphs
26) Your england improofs alot
27) You get free laughter
28) Your hand learns to write faster but maybe uglier? :x
29) Your econs tutor will be very proud of you :DDDDDDD
30) Getting an A for econs is nothing, Just Love it (Economics version of Nike-Adidas
Love Econs OK?! DO YOUR CASE STUDY!!!!! XD
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Friday, July 18, 2008
it's my first post here! ok i sound so noob. =x just to upload some randomsxz stuff (available on my blog too)...

it became my phone's wallpaper, start up screen picture and screensaver. thanks guys, but i'll remember you all for sure one! don't need to plaster my phone with your faces! -.-
nicholas' masterpiece during math lecture. LOL.
that's all!
Msg to the class,
Attempt all questions but do Qn 3 & 7 first, followed by the rest of the Qn.
Hand in for the teacher to mark after the tutorial on thursday
(Pls collect on thurs)
Mr Wong
Attempt all questions but do Qn 3 & 7 first, followed by the rest of the Qn.
Hand in for the teacher to mark after the tutorial on thursday
(Pls collect on thurs)
Mr Wong
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Temp thingy
Eh, i know it's abit de late, but if your somehow reading this, remember to bring ur thermometer 2molo (or today)
Friday, July 4, 2008
Physics being a Market FAILure!
Ok firstly, let us analyse physics as a market failure!
Now Physics is one of the 3 classifications of science... At least in JC >.>~ But how can a science be related to an art subject called Econs?! Like Market Failure and Physics?! Mmm... You'll see in a while!
Ok! So lets start, The nature of that good is a DEMERIT good! Why? It is considered by students that the amount of physics homework we do is being OVERproduced and the amount we're forced to do and complete assignment is OVERconsumed! HA! Why?! Duh... Info failure and Negative Externalities in CONSUMPTION!!!! xD!!!!
Firstly, Info failure! How? See in physics we learn about forces, sooooo.... there are EXTERNAL forces interfering in our everyday life! And like when we think of physics, this external force will like disrupt our brainwaves and we will start getting this thing called "Stress". Although Physics is a subject to score A, our teachers and parents only appreciate the short-term benefit of an A which is getting into a university of high calibure. However, they do not see the LONG TERM effect of this! When we have stress, our body will react and we will naturally do some things which tend to go overboard >.> ie "Contemplating suicide". Omg! So if too much of these stress is accumulated over a period of time, we will eventually start experiencing such side-effects, HENCE, the LT effect is wayyy more harmful than the ST effect, we only have 1 life! So if its wasted due to the stress from getting A for Physics, then like duh, its gone forever.
Secondly, Negative externality in consumption. When we consume knowledge of such goods called Physics Assignments and papers, we will of course experience stress! Now, when you are overloaded with homework and cannot finish on time, what will your primal instinct tell you? COPY!!! So when we copy other 3rd party's homework, there is MORE energy wasted in the stress of trying to find a valid source to copy, not forgetting our stress we started off initially, thus there is an incurred healthcare cost because in the LT effect we will suffer stress-related illness. Furthermore, 3rd parties will also have to do more work! They have to undergo the process of thinking on how to do the work and by just giving away their answers like that, they do not get compensated for the amount of effort placed into the homework. Hence, they also incur more healthcare cost because of the stress from work! They will also incur more healthcare cost when you keep bugging them for hw answer and they'll be like AGRH!!! So they have to undergo anger management course and take pills to suppress this anger... More cost incurred!
In conclusion, Physics is a DEMERIT GOOD! And is causing our workforce to deteriorate in terms of effectiveness because of too much stress(-ve ext. in consumption), so we indeed need someone of higher authority to intervene and correct this market failure! Haha!!!
Yours truly wrote this >.>!~
Now Physics is one of the 3 classifications of science... At least in JC >.>~ But how can a science be related to an art subject called Econs?! Like Market Failure and Physics?! Mmm... You'll see in a while!
Ok! So lets start, The nature of that good is a DEMERIT good! Why? It is considered by students that the amount of physics homework we do is being OVERproduced and the amount we're forced to do and complete assignment is OVERconsumed! HA! Why?! Duh... Info failure and Negative Externalities in CONSUMPTION!!!! xD!!!!
Firstly, Info failure! How? See in physics we learn about forces, sooooo.... there are EXTERNAL forces interfering in our everyday life! And like when we think of physics, this external force will like disrupt our brainwaves and we will start getting this thing called "Stress". Although Physics is a subject to score A, our teachers and parents only appreciate the short-term benefit of an A which is getting into a university of high calibure. However, they do not see the LONG TERM effect of this! When we have stress, our body will react and we will naturally do some things which tend to go overboard >.> ie "Contemplating suicide". Omg! So if too much of these stress is accumulated over a period of time, we will eventually start experiencing such side-effects, HENCE, the LT effect is wayyy more harmful than the ST effect, we only have 1 life! So if its wasted due to the stress from getting A for Physics, then like duh, its gone forever.
Secondly, Negative externality in consumption. When we consume knowledge of such goods called Physics Assignments and papers, we will of course experience stress! Now, when you are overloaded with homework and cannot finish on time, what will your primal instinct tell you? COPY!!! So when we copy other 3rd party's homework, there is MORE energy wasted in the stress of trying to find a valid source to copy, not forgetting our stress we started off initially, thus there is an incurred healthcare cost because in the LT effect we will suffer stress-related illness. Furthermore, 3rd parties will also have to do more work! They have to undergo the process of thinking on how to do the work and by just giving away their answers like that, they do not get compensated for the amount of effort placed into the homework. Hence, they also incur more healthcare cost because of the stress from work! They will also incur more healthcare cost when you keep bugging them for hw answer and they'll be like AGRH!!! So they have to undergo anger management course and take pills to suppress this anger... More cost incurred!
In conclusion, Physics is a DEMERIT GOOD! And is causing our workforce to deteriorate in terms of effectiveness because of too much stress(-ve ext. in consumption), so we indeed need someone of higher authority to intervene and correct this market failure! Haha!!!
Yours truly wrote this >.>!~
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